Wednesday 8 February 2017

Fully Alive, Unit 3 (Grade 4s)

We have covered the first 2 units of the Fully Alive program, and are ready to teach Unit 3. Fully Alive is a Family Life education program sponsored by the Assembly of Catholic Bishops in Ontario. In Theme 3: Created Sexual, Male and Female, the students learn that each person is precious, we are all made in the image and likeness of God, and created in a loving relationship. Each year builds on information from previous years, and is given at an age appropriate level. The terms used and topics covered can be found here, in each grade's letter from the ACBO:

Grade 4 Parent Letter

Please read the letter and discuss the topics with your child, so that they can be prepared. We will begin on February 13th. Don't hesitate to contact me if there are any questions or concerns.