Tuesday 29 November 2016

Advent Project-Grade 4 & 5

To help the students to participate in the loving act of sharing and giving during this time of Advent, they are invited to collect items to donate to the Shepherds of Good Hope. At this time of year, there are many items the Shepherds need to assist the people who are staying at the shelter. The Grade 4 students are encouraged to bring in coffee mugs and cutlery; the Grade 5 students are encouraged to donate warm socks. Our class has a target or 22 items (2 per student) and we hope to be able to meet or exceed that goal. We ask that donations be brought in no later than Thursday, December 22nd, at which time the Shepherds will come to pick them up. Thank you for your generosity!

Grade 4 Assignment Alert!

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Christmas, Tree, StarThe students are currently working on a SEQUENCING unit in Language Arts. The writing assignment for this unit will be procedural writing. To tie this activity with Christmas, we will be writing HOW To...instructions for a Christmas themed activity. Examples are:

-put up a Christmas Tree
-set up a Nativity Scene
-make or decorate cookies
-wrap a present
-do a craft
-and many more...
Christmas sugar cookies
We would like the students to take photographs of themselves doing 5-6 steps in their chosen activity. They should email those photos to themselves, or save them to their Google Drive. At school, we will then create procedural writing slideshows. If they prefer, students are welcome to draw clear, detailed pictures for each step. 
These photographs or drawings are due at school on Monday, December 5th.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Sunday 20 November 2016

Tomorrow's Trip

Congratulations to the Gr. 4 students who received their Bibles at the Bible Blessing Ceremony on Thursday morning.  It was a pleasure to be part of this special occasion in your child's life.  Thank you to everyone who was able to come!

Congratulations also to our students who received certificates for the Gospel Value of Community at our Faith Assembly on Wednesday!  Hayden and John were recognized for:

  • For promoting safety in school and on the schoolyard
  • For including others
  • For welcoming new students and staff
  • For helping others during difficult times

Congratulations to the boys and girls who represented St. Clare at the volleyball tournaments. 

Our first field trip is tomorrow!  A couple of reminders:
-as we are under a snowfall warning according to the Weather Network - if the school buses are not running to school tomorrow (Snow Day), they will also not run for our trip, so the trip will have to be rescheduled.  Please listen to the radio, check http://www.ottawaschoolbus.ca/ or OSTA @OttSchoolBus on Twitter to stay informed of any cancellations.
-if the busses are running, the weather is going to be messy, so please make sure your child is dressed appropriately for it.  We will be outside for some time, walking from the bus to the Parliament buildings, from Parliament to the World Exchange Plaza for lunch and back, etc.  Boots, weatherproof coats, hats and mitts are recommended. 
-students will need to bring their lunch and a water bottle as usual.  A small amount of cash to purchase a souvenir or extra beverage is permitted.  NO ELECTRONICS are allowed.  As students will have to leave their bags on the school bus during the tours of Parliament and the Mint, anything of value is best left at home. For security reasons, no bags are permitted in Parliament or the Mint.
-we are really looking forward to this fun and educational trip!  Let's hope the weather cooperates!

Other upcoming events:
*Gr. 4 students will have a presentation by the Public Health Nurse on Tuesday, Nov 22 at 10:30
*Gr. 5 students will have a presentation by the Public Health Nurse on Wed., Nov. 30 at 10:45

Math:  Gr. 4 students will have a quiz on symmetry, types of angles and quadrilaterals on Wednesday to wrap up our brief Geometry unit.  

Language Arts: Gr. 4 students are completing their Cereal Box assignment and writing their commercials, which they will film this week in front of the Green Screen.